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Lesson 3: Understanding the Overview Report
Updated over 3 years ago

In this lesson, we’re going through another Personality Profile report: the Overview.

In the previous lesson, we went over the Summary Report, which is a one-page snapshot of all the data in each Personality Profile report. We used the Summary to explain the foundational pieces that make up the Personality Profile.

Now we're going to use the Overview report to walk through a detailed analysis of the individual.


To get to the Overview Report, simply click the link in the report navigation menu.

As with all of our reports, click any link or button to look up the description of each element.

The report is laid out in three sections.

  • Primary personality general description

  • Custom personality descriptor

  • Trait descriptions

Primary Personality

At the top of the report, you’ll find general background information on the person’s primary personality type. If the primary personality has the same strength as another type, then both are included.

To view the classical definition of the individual’s primary personality type, click on the link to the right of Primary Personality.

Use this background info to get up to speed on the general characteristics and traits you might expect, and then contrast them with the actual trait details found further down in the report.

Because the Personality Profile doesn’t use the personality data to calculate specific trait scores, this contrast gives you a more accurate peek into what makes this person unique.

Personality Descriptor

Next, under Personality Descriptor, take a look at how the individual’s primary and secondary personality types interact. This section paints a picture of the person’s work behavior in an easy-to-read format that’s customized with the individual’s name and unique profile attributes.

If you are looking at your own profile, don’t be surprised if you see yourself being described there to a T!

Trait Descriptions

Scroll down a bit more and you get to the breakdown of all 20 trait scales.

For each trait scale, the report includes:

  • Score on the 9-point scale and the Trait Confidence factor out of five stars—both taken directly from the Summary report

  • Short summary of the person’s trait combination—this gives you the gist of their traits without having to read the details

  • A customized description that fleshes out unique traits and trait combinations so that you have a more fully realized picture of their personality

Like the Summary Report, most keywords and terms are clickable so if you forget a definition, just click a link to display the popup definition.

How to use the Overview Report

Where the Summary report is a graphical snapshot of the individual, the Overview is the same data presented in a narrative style, like a book.

The content helps you more easily picture the person at work and in social situations, with the detailed explanation of their specific personality types and traits spelled out in a readable, meaningful way.

If you had to present an evaluation of a candidate to your team for review, this report could easily be used as is, or you could copy and paste the content as needed.

The analysis and insights help you decide if you’re ready to move forward with an interview.

Wrapping up

Next up, we tackle that last foundational report in the Personality Profile, the Sample Interview Questions.

Any questions, contact us or schedule a call.

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