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Lesson 5: Systemize your hiring process

Utilized the features in Hire Success to automate portions of your hiring and let the system remove the busy work.

Updated over 3 years ago

Welcome to the final lesson in our series on the Personality Profile.

By now you’re familiar with these three reports:

In this lesson we’re going to pull it all together and share how you can streamline and scale your hiring pipeline using the following tools:

  • Campaigns: a tool for keeping applicants organized by position

  • Public Openings: the seamless way for applicants to apply to your positions from any website or job portal

  • Baselines: the best way to identify your most promising candidates in any campaign


The first step towards creating a streamlined, efficient hiring process is to use Campaigns. Campaigns are simply a way to organize groups of applicants around a job opening.

Let’s say you’re running a 2-week campaign to hire a Regional Manager. You can create a campaign with the position "Regional Manager" and add the appropriate location.

Once the campaign is set up, start adding candidates to it by clicking the Add a new applicant button. Hire Success sends them the assessment, and the results are emailed back to you immediately.

You can also have people submit the application themselves from a web page, but we’ll get to that in a moment.

In Hire Success, the applicants land here on the Campaign Listing page.

You can see the number of applicants who are pending, the number who’ve completed the test, and any individuals that have been shortlisted, hired, or archived.

Public Openings

The other way to speed up and automate job submissions is to use Public Openings.

Public Openings let people apply directly to a job from a web page hosted by Hire Success. You don’t have to add candidates manually.

As soon as someone submits their application from a Public Opening, they’re immediately sent the Personality Profile and any other assessments, which vastly simplifies the process of onboarding candidates.

Here’s what that looks like:

  • Public Openings are always associated with a Campaign, so on the Campaign page, click Settings > Public Opening.

  • Complete the fields for the job: description, requirements, and benefits. Also, add specific questions, and if they should include a cover letter, resume, etc. The only field that’s required is Job Title.

  • Once you hit Create, the system publishes the Public Opening and generates a link to the job listing page. You can share the link on your company’s Careers page or link to it from a job board like Indeed.

  • When someone clicks the link, they’re taken to a welcome page where they begin the testing as part of the application process.

So now that you have applicants coming in, either because you’ve been adding them one by one, or they’re coming from a webpage, what’s next?

If you’re using Public Openings, you can imagine having hundreds of people to deal with. How do you sort through them all?

The answer is with baselines. As you’ll see next, using baselines in your campaign streamlines this part of the hiring process significantly.


In the Hire Success system, a baseline is a way for you to define the personality traits and characteristics of an ideal employee for a specific job. They help you identify candidates who have the personality characteristics you are seeking the most.

You can create a baseline based on your most successful employees doing that job, or you can build it from scratch.

We’re not going into the details of creating baselines here. Just know that they are one of the most powerful personality tools in your toolbox -- and once you start using them you’ll never go back.

How baselines work

When someone applies for a job and takes the Personality Profile, the system compares their assessment to the baseline and then sorts them to show you those that most closely match. The system also creates a fourth report called the Baseline Summary Report.

The Baseline Summary looks almost exactly like the standard Summary Report, only the baseline data is overlaid in green, and the applicant’s data is in yellow.

Right away, the overall scores tell you how closely this person matches your ideal. And you see who has the temperament and traits that best fit the role.

Identifying success traits

To build really effective baselines, you need to learn and understand the key success traits of the people in your business.

Success traits are the common characteristics of your most successful employees.

When you look around your office:

  • Who is the happiest and satisfied with their job?

  • Who are the leaders?

  • Who just needs a paycheck and well-defined guidelines to do great work and be happy?

  • Who is outgoing and great with customers?

When well-aligned, all these personalities interact and contribute to a healthy functioning company.

Only you and your management team can decide what qualities are desirable.

When you take the time to understand the common denominators for each role, you can feed this information into your baselines. And the more employees with key success traits you add to your baselines, the stronger they’ll be.

Shortlisting candidates

When you have a baseline applied to a campaign, you can sift through applications fast.

You can sort by rank to see the top candidates overall, or you can sort by baseline score to see the list ordered by closest match. In the case of a job that you are continuously hiring for, you may want to sort by Newest First so you always see the newest applicants coming in.

When you find someone who looks promising, click the flag to shortlist them.

This pops them into the shortlisted bucket.

From here you can start a deeper analysis of each individual profile using what you learned in lessons 2, 3, and 4, and then start planning your interviews.

All the profile data is at your fingertips.

Why this matters

The ability to sort and shortlist candidates quickly becomes a huge advantage when:

  • Your business is in growth mode and you’re doing lots of hiring

  • Your hiring cycle is seasonal and you have to staff up quickly

  • You have open job postings throughout the year with a steady stream of applicants

Instead of feeling buried by applications, and sifting through reports one by one, the Hire Success baseline and campaign tools take that time-intensive work off your hands.

Tips for running better campaigns

Before we wrap up, here are a few more tips for using the Personality Profile in your campaigns:

First, test every applicant that applies. Don’t cherry-pick who gets an assessment and who doesn’t. When all your applicants have assessments, you can apply baselines to them right away and identify high-scoring reports more quickly -- before you get to the interview stage.

And second, test applicants at the start of your process, instead of as a final “sanity check”. When you use multiple interviews to narrow down the field and only test the top 2 or 3 candidates, people have more time to learn about what you’re looking for. They could consciously (or subconsciously) tailor their answers based on what they think you want to hear.

Wrapping up

When you adopt the Hire Success Personality Profile, you end up with a faster, less biased hiring process.

Use baselines and campaigns to float best-fit candidates to the top of your hiring pool, and public openings to onboard candidates at scale.

You save hours on your end organizing AND evaluating AND interviewing...and you hire with confidence knowing you’ve selected the right people the first time.

This is the last lesson in this series. We hope you enjoyed it.

If you get stuck any time using the Personality Profile or any Hire Success tool, we’re always here for you. You’ll get one-on-one support and we won’t leave you hanging.

Any questions, contact us or schedule a call.

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