Adding a logo

Showcase your company's branding and create professional reports.

Updated over a week ago

Adding your company's logo will personalize all your Hire Success reports and job openings.

Note: Only Account Owners and Administrators can manage logos.

To add a logo:

  1. Click "Account" in the top-right corner, then choose "Update your company's information" from the "Administrators" list.

  2. Click the "Choose File" button right beneath "Basic Information."

  3. Choose the logo image file you'd like to upload.

  4. Once you've chosen the right file, scroll to the bottom of the page and click the green "Update Company Information" button.

Logos can also help you manage multiple locations with different brands. It's an easy way to differentiate all your materials at a glance. To add a logo to a specific location:

  1. Click "Account" in the top-right corner, then choose "Manage locations" from from the "Administrators".

  2. Click "Edit" under the name of the location that needs a logo.

  3. Click the "Choose File" button right beneath "Add a location specific logo."

  4. Choose the logo image you'd like to upload.

  5. Scroll to the bottom of the page and check "Use the above information for email templates, test forms, and reports".

  6. Finally, click the green "Update this location" button.

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