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Components of a question
Updated over 3 years ago

Every Question in the Custom Test Database is made up of several "components" that are fully customizable to meet the specific needs of your Company. The Components are as follows:

  • Category Assignment

  • Question Text

  • Choices

  • Choice Percentages (or "weighted values")

  • Question Value

  • Question Number in Database

  • Activate/Deactivate Flag

The Following is Detailed information about each "Component":

Category Assignment

Every Question in the Question Database must be initially assigned to a "Category" that is descriptive of the question itself. Each test is scored both overall, and by "Category". You have several ways to develop a Question Database. The "starter" Question Database provided with this software has "Categories" that include various "Subjects", such as Math, Spelling, Vocabulary, etc.

However, you can create a Database that is itself a single "Subject" and use the Categories to create various aspects of the Subject you wish to score and develop. For example, let's assume we have created a single-subject Question Database for "Math". Categories might include:

  • Elementary Math

  • Advanced Math

  • Algebra

  • Geometry

  • Calculus

  • Trigonometry

Depending on your various applications, you could create a simplified Math test with just Elementary Math and some Advanced Math Questions. Perhaps if the test was being given to Engineering applicants, it might just include the more difficult and appropriate categories. Special databases and/or Categories can be created for any subject.

Question Text

The Question Text is just that, the question itself and any instructions or other information that may be associated with the Question. Although this component seems obvious, it is important to note that you have a choice of entering straight text, or you may insert HTML along with the text. HTML is "HyperText Markup Language". It is the same as is used in most Web sites. You may include simple HTML or very complex HTML commands that allow you to provide Internet based graphics, web sites, references, etc.

Simple HTML might include changing fonts or making text bold or italics. For example, suppose the text of the question is: "What is the question?"

However, you want to make the word "question" both bold and italics. Simply put opening HTML codes for Bold and Italics before the word and closing HTML codes after the word. Entered into the Question Database, it would look like this:

"What is the <strong><em>question</em></strong>?

When presented to the User in the Test, it would appear like:

"What is the question?

Question Value

The "Value" of a Question is a number you assign to make the importance or difficulty of the Question "relative" to other questions on the test. For example, if you were developing a Math test, the Question: "How much is 2 + 2?" would have a very low Value as it is presumed just about everyone would know the Answer. If the test also includes more difficult Questions, such as Algebra or Statistics, those Questions would be assigned a much higher "Value" so when scored, the easy Questions don't disproportionately cause the score to appear acceptable.

Example: Suppose a test had 10 Questions. Two Questions had a "Value" of 2 Points; Three had a "Value" of 5 Points, and five Questions had a value of 10 Points each. That is a total of 69 possible Points if all Questions were answered correctly. If a person answered all 5 of the 10 point (harder or more important) Questions incorrectly, the "Overall" score of the Test would be 50%, because they got 5 of the 10 Questions correct.

However, the "Weighted" Score would only be 27.5% because they earned 19 of the 69 possible Points. Therefore, one would assume, in most cases, people would get the more difficult Questions wrong, and the Weighted Score would be somewhat similar to, or less than the Overall Score. If the Weighted Score is higher than the Overall Score, then that would indicate they got the hard questions correct and the easier questions wrong. In the above example, if the 5 10 point Questions were answered correctly, they would earn 50 of the 69 possible Points and receive a 72.5% on the Weighted Score vs. 50% on the Overall Score.

Used properly, this can be an indicator of the type of Questions the Applicant/Employee got right, and can also indicate the possibility that a person guessed and got lucky with the more difficult questions.


Each Question must have a minimum of two (2) choices. This allows for "True/False" and "Yes/No" Questions. Other Questions may have up to a maximum of five (5) Choices. In each Choice field, enter the text of the Choice as you wish to have it appear to the Test Form User. Like the Question, you may include HTML in the text of each Choice.

Not all questions need to have the same number of Choices. Some may be True/False, some may have 4 or 5 Choices. You construct each Question as you need it to appear on the Test Form Template.

Choice Percentages

In the majority of cases, each Question will have only one "correct" Choice or "answer". Therefore, you will generally place a Value of "0" in the Percentage Field next to the incorrect Choices, and a Value of "100" in the Field next to the Correct Choice. This means the Correct Choice earns 100% of the "Point Value" you assign to the Question. Incorrect Choices earn 0% of the Value.

However, some test Developers want to offer "secondary", "alternate", or "acceptable" Choices as well. Therefore, you may choose to assign the "Best" Choice as 100% and a secondary or "acceptable" answer, with a lesser Value. Another example might be if there were 4 Choices and all were individually Correct, but Choice #5 was "All of the Above". Choice 5 could earn 100% of the points, but choosing any of the other Choices would only earn 25% each, as each Correct Choice was only 25% of the "available" Correct Choices, but "All of the Above" represented 100% of the "available" Correct Choices. It is up to you how you decide to balance the Choices. Feel free to be imaginative.

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