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Add your company information

Your company information is used to brand test forms, reports, as well as any public openings.

Updated over 3 years ago

Adding your company information to your account:

  1. First, click on the avatar circle located at the top right of the navigation bar

  2. Click on "Account Settings" from within the dropdown menu

  3. Click on "Update your company's information"

Company logo

Upload your company logo to replace the Hire Success logo on test forms, reports, and any public openings.

Basic Information

  • Make sure your company's name is the way you would like it presented on test forms, reports, and any public openings.

  • If you have a phone number for applicants to call, be sure to include that as well.

Additional Informaion

  • Company Address - Official Address

  • Company Website - Main URL for your company

  • Assessment Scored Webhook URL - *Advanced: You can include a webhook link that the system will use to post raw data from assessments in real-time. Use this if you would like to integrate with other systems. If you have any questions or require assessments on this, please send a message to

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